Modul guru pembelajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris smp
Modul guru pembelajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris smp

modul guru pembelajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris smp

Tomorrow we are going to take a train to Surabaya. Short Functional Texts (Listening) R: Attention, please. Menemukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi tersirat, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu serta makna kata/frasa/ kalimat dari teks tertulis berbentuk teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan argumentatif Memahami nuansa makna di dalam teks tertulis seperti teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk naratif (narrative, recount, news item), deskriptif (report, descriptive, explanation) dan argumentative (exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Menemukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dari teks lisan sederhana yang berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, percakapan, naratif serta deskriptif. Standar Kompetensi LulusanUraian SKLMemahami makna teks lisan berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, percakapan dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk naratif (narrative, recount, news item) dan deskriptif (report, descriptive, explanation) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Short Functional TextAdvertisement AnnouncementNoticeMemoShopping list/ menu Cards (Invitation, Greeting card, Condolence card, Post card) LetterEmailManual etc.

modul guru pembelajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris smp modul guru pembelajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris smp


(written): directions (on the street, medicine etc.) in Interpersonal conversation: talking about how to do things casually for the sake of maintaining conversation Text types and text forms (cont.)Communicative purpose applies in all text forms: Transactional conversation Interpersonal conversation Short functional texts (spoken and written)Monologue EssayĮxample Procedural Text In Short functional text (spoken): directions, announcements etc. Text types and text formsThe communicative purpose of text To give direction (procedure) To describe (descriptive) To entertain (narrative) To discuss (discussion) Etc. If I want to know street names, I would need to read the street directory. If I wanted to know my friend's phone number, I would look in a phone book. It is called functional because it helps you function in your day-to-day life.Įxample: if I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, I would read a recipe. How do I know if a piece of text is functional?Functional text is used for everyday information. What is the topic about?Where is it likely to be heard? Presented in Pelatihan UAN untuk Guru-Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA se-Kabupaten Sleman August 25-30, 2008By: SuciatiJurusan Pendidikan Bahasa InggrisFakultas Bahasa dan SeniUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Modul guru pembelajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris smp